Cancel This Podcast
If it ain't woke, don't fix it, the Podcast where Jase and Jon discuss news, politics, video games, comics, entertainment, movies, and more - WITHOUT that annoying WOKE slant that has been put on everything in the mainstream.
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I guarantee not one of their race swaps have ever made the IPs more popular with black people.

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2024: My Thoughts Coming Into a New Year.


Hey everyone! Typically blogs are private for supporters but today I want to make this one public, talk about 2024, my thoughts, aspirations, and the outlook for Cancel This Podcast in the coming potentially-apocalyptic (depending on who you ask) election year. 

For starters, don't bother asking me about New Year's Resolutions; I don't have any nor do I truly believe in them. I believe resolutions (much like rules) are made to be broken. What I do believe, is you can use a New Year to re-evaluate, re-focus, and re-allocate where and what to invest your energy into. I was fortunate enough to spend New Years with my girlfriend, and honestly it'd be nice if 2024 were the year to get her a ring, start a family and really make a life. I'm not a young man anymore. I'm old as fuck.

I believe 2024 will be whatever you make of it, regardless of what happens in November, regardless of what happens during the year - I believe the answer is to be proactive, not reactive. Now's the time to work harder AND work smarter, get in shape, get your ducks in a row and plan to succeed instead of succeed at plateauing. If you're not getting better, you're getting worse, and I intend to get as good as I can get this year. 


Jon, on the other hand, is more black-pilled than I, certain the end is nigh. I'm not sure if that's him or the fever (and yes, he's sick again and told me expect to do the show solo this week - what a start to the New Year).

While I understand his apprehensions, I don't fear the coming storm. I welcome it.  Do your worst, for I shall do mine in kind. I will say the one thing I am black pilled on is Big Tech.


While the reach we're seeing on our Facebook page is admirable, the problem is, well, it's Facebook, and coming into 2024 I would expect Facebook and YouTube to both redouble censorship efforts on behalf of the DNC & Friends. There's a reason we never bothered with YouTube. We came too late, and I'm just too mouthy to do the dancing around words, phrases, and topics like many others - respect to those that do but for me I'd rather focus entirely on alt tech and not have to jump through rather annoying hoops to police what I say.


That being said, as we grow on Facebook we receive a lot more hate-mail (to the point I made a hate mail section on our Guilded channel)and the fix is in. Eventually they will purge us for being mean; just this week I got a warning for the phrase "go take a bath, stinky" to one of these clownworlders in our comments section. If that's how low the bar is for what "violates community standards" what chance do we have?


I am considering merging both the content we do here on Ko-Fi (such as supporter blogs), and the type of things we post on Facebook, and sharing them over on our Locals page. This way if we get nuked it still exists in some form, and hopefully we can unplug people from the Facebook matrix, and get them to follow us on Rumble from there as well (I am aware Locals and Rumble are owned by the same people; I do not know how the crossover works, but I guess I'll have to figure it out). If you haven't followed us on Locals, please make an account and do that!


Unfortunately we did lose one of our platforms in Shing this week, something we knew was looking likely towards the end of the month. I want thank Rob and Amy for making an excellent platform that I've had a lot of fun on and I am interested to see what the next iteration of evolution of Shing might be, and when that time comes I will definitely support it in any way which I am able to - I wish that I was in a better financial position to help Shing with operational expenses, but part of why I have Ko-Fi and all these donation platforms is that I am barely keeping my own head above water at this time. You give me the winning lottery numbers, and I'd certainly help platforms I believe in continue to exist. That being said if you're someone who followed us on Shing I hope you will follow us on the five other platforms for the time being. Also thank you to those that got us over 400 followers on Odysee. Next is to get over 400 followers on Rumble. We are growing slowly but steadily and I appreciate your support.

The more support we get on Ko-Fi, Locals, even BuyMeACoffee (they never kicked us off I just don't actively update there anymore), helps us to make more content, more streams - videos, game streams, and the like. Ideally I want us all to transcend woke-controlled Big Tech. I think X is better than it was when it was Twitter but still has some way to go. Make sure to follow us there as well if you have not already. 


Remember, in 2024, people like this douchebag over here are going to come at us harder than ever. The best thing we can do is mock them, meme them, shame them, and keep doing what we do. We're doing something right if they're big mad.

My goals this year are to work harder at my day job, work harder at the gym, work harder to provide for my future family, and to continue making great content. I can only do that with your help and support. Support us on Ko-Fi, also support us by following on other platforms, sharing it with your friends and other like-minded people and help us make 2024 the best year we've had to date.

Thank you again all of you for your support. Be blessed and be based, always.


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